Sunday, November 6, 2011

Back at the Ranch

My Sister-In-Law (SIL) has a ranch in Colorado where we go periodically to help with fix-it jobs. Or, rather, Woody goes to help. My job is to stay out of the way. As soon as we arrive at the ranch, the Woodster springs into ranch hand mode. He gleefully straps on his tool belt and unloads piles of tools all the while hoping that there is something he has forgotten which will require a trip to the local hardware store.

First up on the ranch hand's agenda was to re-locate boundary markers on SIL's property that had been placed by a surveyor a few years ago but were now covered up by knee high prairie grasses and brush.

Ah! A treasure hunt. So, with a gps in one hand, a plat map in the other, surveyor's tape tucked in a pocket, and a camera around his neck, Woody was off.  SIL kept up with him while I trailed behind.

"A little to the right.....the marker should be....."
"Found it!"
Amazingly enough, Woody, SIL, and I found all the boundary markers right where they were supposed to be. Yeehaw!

So, Woody duly flagged the markers, took numerous
photos and gps-ed each one so that next time
they will be much easier to find. Because, as we all know, there WILL be a next time.

But, my ranch hand's work has just begun and his
locating boundary markers was only the beginning.

SIL has an 80 acre ranch which includes a couple of cabins and a quonset hut.

Woody did maintenance work all around the property. He hung address signs, mended fences, did some mouse proofing, patched holes, cut back brush, hammered, sawed, and performed numerous other tasks.

But, it was when he went to paint a deer stile that the trouble began. But, that's a story for next time.

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